Monday, August 17, 2015

Batman (1989)

Why it's here:
One of the problems with having this blog, is trying to keep up with the workload of maintaining the blog :)  It has been quite a while since we saw this movie and though I remember that we watched it, I really don't remember when, or why, or having ever taken the time to review it critically.  I think it may be here because my younger son was interested in watching the Batman series.

2 hours; PG-13

Our family's average rating on a scale from 1-10:

More about the film and our reaction to it:
OK. As I've just admitted, I didn't really reflect on the merits of this film while we were watching it, so now am at a bit of a loss to evaluate it.  Perhaps the most important thing to note is that it stars Michael Keaton who bears shockingly little resemblance to the guy who delivered a very different recent performance in Beetlejuice. I guess that he can hit these polar opposites (serious, reflective, attractive hero vs. silly, gross, absurd villian) so convincingly, goes to his skill as an actor and ought to be appreciated.

Both films are Tim Burton endeavors and thus have a surreal, comic and slightly disturbing aura about them.  Other than this, anything I might add would seem obvious. I mean this is a comic book adaptation, the first in a long line of modern Batmans (Batmen?), all of which showcase high-end special effects, dark seedy moods and cutout characters.

Sure, its good. Whether you watch or not should just be a function of your family's tolerance for violence and intense action. If these hit the mark for you, then there is no reason you won't love the film.

Iconic image:

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