Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Batman (1966)

Why its here:
My brother made me do it : )

1 1/2 hours. Color

Our family's average rating on a scale from 1 - 10:

More about the film and our reaction to it:
I'm not ashamed to admit it: I liked this film. There, I said it.  In fact, our collective rating would have been much higher had my husband not given it a "5". To enjoy this film, you have to accept it on its own terms - which are campy 60s hipster fluff. If you can do that, then you will probably like the movie too. (My husband, obviously, could not.)

Please do NOT attempt to show this film to modern kids without first disabusing them of any notion that it will be 'like' modern superhero movies (i.e. Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man). It couldn't be more different. It is intentionally cheesy.  Flat and slightly absurd, with silly dialog and special effects, it is hard to describe to someone who never saw the 60s TV show.  Having the right expectations is half the battle.

The film is an exploded episode of the show, with all your favorite villains making an appearance. Robin's iconic "holy [fill in the blank], Batman" makes several appearances: my favorite, "Holy heartbreak, Batman."

Is is groundbreaking meaningful cinema? No. Is it a silly and fun treat? Absolutely!

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Born Free (1966)

Why it's here:
I remembered it fondly and wanted to share with my family.

Hour and a half; color

Our family's rating on a scale from 1 - 10:

More about the film and our reaction to it:
I remember being really blown away by this movie as a child. But now, after many many years, it felt rather weaker than I remembered -- strained on plot and a little too long. Its central message was incredible, but felt buried under other layers of plot that didn't always make sense. But still, this is a GOOD film. The cinematography and locations are still mind-blowing and the lion "actors" were incredible. For these reasons the film grabs your attention and holds on to it even when the plot diversions get to be a bit much.

Just like the underlying story, the actors are fine but not great. In fact, everything about the picture feels solid. We all responded to it in about the same way and its one of those rare films where we all gave it the same rating -- a "7." Chances are that your family, too, would enjoy it.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)

Why its here:
My sister-in-law added it to our list. It is not a movie I would have chosen; but it was the least I could do for her :)   so we watched!

Hour and a half; color

Our family's rating on a scale from 1 - 10:

More about the film and our reaction to it:
I was stunned that this movie was as good as it was. I had very low expectations. haha.  In terms of plot, this film is very much like a Scooby Doo story in live action -- but with a bit more heart. Don Knotts is fantastic. He is very charming, funny and highly sympathetic as a doormat who wants to be a reporter and somehow gets swept in to a "spend the night in a haunted house" type of dare.

Even beyond the indisputable comedy chops of Knotts, this movie can hold its own. It is sweet and clever and well-acted - though simple.

It is also very appropriate for families and likely to be enjoyed by those who don't spend a lot of time in classic cinema. Youngest viewers will probably be scared, though. The chills value may be light by today's standards, but it is still scary and creepy. Make sure you have some blankets to hide under!

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